Work Trade Positions
Thank you for your inquiry into work opportunities at our Primitive Skills Conferences.
Backtracks, LLC, the sponsor of these events, is happy to provide a chance for people to attend who may not be able to afford to pay in cash. To accommodate such needs, we have a few work exchange, partial tuition trades, or camp staff positions available. Applicants must be over 18 to apply. Positions fill quickly and most crews are set by early summer.
• Work Exchange* consists of working prior to, during, or after the event (we decide what is available). Accepting such a job will commit you to approximately 25 hours of work in exchange for a full tuition waiver. Jobs may include set-up crew, clean-up crew, daily chores, kitchen staff, and/or service crew. You will be supervised by event staff, but you will be expected to use the honor system in making sure that you work a fair number of hours in exchange for this consideration. If you fail to complete the work, you will be obligated for the entire amount of the gate fee for the event.
Acceptance to a work trade position pays for full early registration tuition for one person.
• Partial Tuition options are for those who can pay part of the tuition or want to attend more classes and don't have time to work 25 hours. Partial waivers may be earned at what would constitute a rate of $15 per hour. Positions will most likely be kitchen, daily chores or clean-up detail (clean-up may take one to two days after the event). Hours and exchange must be worked out in advance.
•• Your work trade position will be finalized upon receipt of your $50 deposit/tuition. If you are not able to complete your work obligation after committing to it, your $50 deposit will be forfeit. Submittal of a completed application does not guarantee acceptance as there are a limited number of spaces available. Please do not submit deposit until you are notified that you have been granted a work trade position.
• Camp Staff are mainly BACKTRACKS staff who regularly work our events or work for affiliated programs and know how to run all service components. Jobs consist of camp manager, logistics manager, kitchen manager, service crew manager, chores manager, class/staff coordinator, store manager. Full tuition waivers apply to all full-time staff positions.
* Work Exchange positions are reserved for those who have been to a Backtracks event before or can supply references from another event manager.
Kitchen Crew - Arrival arrangements are made with the Food Service manager.
Set-up Crew (pre) - Must be available 1 day prior to Staff Camp opening
Clean-up Crew (post) - Must remain for 2 days after event closes.
Service Crew (daily camp chores ) - Chore assignments are made each day.